
This page was last updated on: 2023-12-26

Zakaz wykonywania prac uciążliwych i niebezpiecznych

Labour Code prohibits employment of pregnant and breastfeeding women in work that is particularly arduous or harmful to women's health. The Council of Ministers has published Regulations prohibiting employment of pregnant and breastfeeding women in certain works. Also, pregnant workers may not be employed in overtime or at night. Employer is obliged to adjust the working conditions to the required safety level, or to reduce time to eliminate the threat to the health or safety of employees. If the adjustment of working conditions at the current workplace or reduction in working time is impossible or impracticable, the employer shall transfer the employee to another work.

While the old regulation applied to all women, the current Regulation applies to pregnant and breastfeeding women. It has changed many working standards regarding weight classes, thermal comfort (PMV indicators), and admissible decibel volume in the workplace for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Pregnant employees are allowed to work during the work day (8 hours), with compulsory work breaks  of 10 minutes each hour, in which they can perform other non-screen related tasks.

Source: §176-179 of the Labour Code 1974; ozporządzenie rady ministrów z dnia 3 kwietnia 2017 r. w sprawie wykazu prac uciążliwych, niebezpiecznych lub szkodliwych dla zdrowia kobiet w ciąży i kobiet karmiących dziecko piersią (Regulation on list of works prohibited for pregnant and breastfeeding women)

Ochrona przed rozwiązaniem umowy o pracę

Labour law states that a women worker cannot be dismissed during the period of her pregnancy and maternity leave or at such time that contract termination notice would expire during such absence. Employment of a female worker is protected during pregnancy, delivery and parental leave, except for certain specific reasons determined in the applicable regulations.


Source: §177 & 1861 of the Labour Code 1974

Prawo do pracy na dotychczasowym stanowisku

According to the Labour code, workers have the right to return to same position after availing maternity leave and if this is not possible, the position equivalent to the one before the leave, or a similar position.

Source: §1864 of the Labour Code 1974
